Unraveling the Majesty of Tule Tree in Oaxaca, Mexico

If you’re planning a trip to Mexico, be sure to visit Santa Maria del Tule. This charming village boasts an awe-inspiring 2,000-year-old tree that’s still alive and thriving today. It’s definitely worth seeing for yourself and makes for a unique travel experience.

Did you know that the Tule tree in Oaxaca, Mexico is the largest tree in the world when it comes to trunk diameter? With a height of 42 meters and a circumference of approximately 60 meters, this ancient tree has been around for almost two millennia. If you’re up for an adventure, you can visit this magnificent tree by taking a comfortable 5-6 hour road trip from Mexico City or a quick 45-minute flight from the capital. Oaxaca is a charming colonial city that offers plenty of rewarding travel experiences for tourists.

The charming village of Santa Maria del Tule is located approximately eight miles east of the city center. Similar to other towns and villages in Mexico, it features a cozy church, a small plaza, and local markets. Visitors may notice a significant crowd gathered at the churchyard, where El Tule resides – the oldest living tree in Mexico and one of the oldest in North America.

As soon as you reach Santa Maria del Tule, you will most likely come across a group of individuals wandering around the grounds of the church. This area is where you can find El Tule, the oldest living tree in Mexico and one of the oldest in North America.

A nominal fee is charged for entry, and in return, you receive a ticket that details the unique features and past of the tree.

El Tule is truly remarkable and standing beside it makes one feel small in comparison to its immense size. It’s awe-inspiring to be under the shade of a living organism that has existed since the Roman era. Taking a quick trip from Oaxaca city to Santa Maria del Tule to witness this natural wonder is definitely worth it.







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